Esthetics Apprenticeship VS Technical Schooling

Not many people know that you can also receive education to get licensed as an esthetician through apprenticeship programs rather than going through formal schooling. What is an apprenticeship? It is an alternative path to receiving a license in esthetics. Apprenticeships are offered through a licensed educator specializing in the field in a real salon environment. You are learning more real world experience rather than a school based environment.

Benefits of apprenticeships
-Earn while you are learning
-Gain hands-on experience
-Get mentorship and support
-Build a network
-Get paid for your training
-Be more likely to get a job in the field after
-Earn higher wages

Benefits of formal schooling
-Gain a broad range of knowledge
-Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
-Learn to research
-Develop communication and presentation skills
-Network with other students and professionals

What is right for you?
It’s important to consider what your interests and goals are in regards to an esthetics career. An apprenticeship might be a great way to jump start you into your career if you’ve done your research. Formal education may be another path if you’re wanting a broadened knowledge and explore your curiosities. You should consider your learning style when deciding on a path. You can also speak with others who have done either an apprenticeship or formal education and share their insights.

Apprenticeships and formal schooling are both valuable paths to a successful esthetics career. The best choice for you will depend on your individual needs and goals!